Even as I sit here, I am thinking about the progress of phones and the ergonomic gadgets that I have used to enhance my life. And yet, this is my first touchscreen mobile device. So, if I sound incredibly in awe at times and mention something many are over already then just rejoice in my pilgrimage.
The nexus one was a bit of a mythic creature where the insides are working bits and pieces of a brand; a company of such importance in my life I had an immediate attachment to this out the box. Needless to say the overnight shipping was a dramatic series of status updates and tweets to stir the excitement for myself, among others. I refreshed the tracking screen on Fed Ex many times in an effort to electronically tap the driver on the shoulder and ask him to hurry.
AND it 'finally' arrived in less than 24 hours.....I am already impressed. I was heading to lunch as I refreshed my Blackberry and saw the "delivered" status. I got that feeling my my chest where I can't think about much more than, "What now?" My wife signed for it as the driver awoke her from her slumber. (^.^) I took a short lunch and swung by the apartment and BAM....
I snatched it up, threw it in my truck and rode back to work. It's like carrying a ticking bomb, except you cant want for it to explode and all the shiny screen bits get thrown at you like rice at a wedding reception.
I made it back to work, grabbed up a friend, Scott (G1 Owner), and we opened it up!
First thing Scott said was, "It looks like cologne." He's right. It was two boxes; one for the nexus one and the other for a docking station. Both of these boxes share the same design. A great idea or at least I like the prestige of the originality of the packaging as a whole. Clearly, white is the obvious dramatic effect that reflects the google.com white space we all see every day. "nexus one" in lower caps on the front and each shade of the Blue, Green, Red and Yellow bottom edge of the boxes match the "Google" logo colors and it's sharp; quaint, but effective.
As you can see here. Very cool. And just as Scott said, it does kinda look and feel like cologne packaging. But it's heavy and solid and looks great as a desk display. (lol)
Wasting no time, I pulled the phone box open to get my hands on this device. Beautiful....peaceful, ready. I stumbled through the directions only to find that the battery is bone dry and it needs to be charged. Ok, no problem. I have it. I OWN it.
SO, I looked at the exterior and checked out a few more features and put it in my hand. It has a good weight. Much like the iPhone but a bit more solid(?). The matte finish makes the reflection of the screen stand out a bit. The controls on the very button are part of the screen and not actually buttons as I assumed from the pictures. I am impressed. I haven't even turned it on yet. This is going to be good.
The track ball is standard. Nothing impressive, my Blackberry has a trackball and I have mastered the little rolling decision maker.
One of the offers was to engrave the nexus one with a statement or phrase or signature to the back of the case. I thought for a moment and then decided on 'lucaslshaffer'. I have recently focused all of my energy into creating a persona around this formal name cluster that I thought it fitting to put just that on my phone as it will be the point at which the world will connect to me. And thru lucaslshaffer is what most people who know me now will see on the screen. So, here it is...

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